Data Elements
Inner and outer layer data (all copper layers)
Soldermask layers
Legend layers
Aperture list if apertures are not embedded in the Gerber data (RS-274X)
Drill file with tool codes and X-Y coordinates of all holes in either ASCII or EIA format
IPC 356 netlist or mentor graphics neutral file
A readme file that contains an engineering contact and any special instructions
Blue Print Elements
Drawing in Gerber, HPGL, PDF, DXF format, or hardcopy
Board outline dimensions including cutouts, chamfers, radii, bevels, scores, etc.
Dimension from a reference hole in the board to a corner or to two sides of the board outline
A hole chart with the hole symbols on the drawing and the finished hole sizes
Material requirements
Finished board thickness and tolerance
Layer stack-up order
Controlled impedance requirements (if applicable)
Dimensioned array drawing if the design is to be shipped as a multiple -up array
Notes defining any other requirements or specifications pertinent to the design
Readme File
Engineering contact (email and phone)
Purchasing contact (email and phone)
Quantity desired (if submitted for quotation)
Turn-time in days (if submitted for quotation)